Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Market Day from KPE TV on Vimeo.Market Day ReflectionsWhat did you enjoy most about Market Day?The Sale of our cupcakes and helping the JLD group.
How well prepared was your group? Not as well as we planed because we were not ready by the the time the market started.

How popular do you think your product was?? Little amount of people came so not that popular.

What was your role in the group and how well did you fulfill your role?My job was to make the cupcakes.

Under each of the following headings write anything that you would do differently or improvements you would make if you did it again.

Your Product?do really bug shapes

Your Advertisement?i would like to finish it because we did not finish filming

Your stall set up? get decorations

Would you like to do this again, and why or why not? yes so we can rise more money and i can add sugar to my cupcakes and not sell a faulty product.